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  • 5 Steps to Achieving More with 60% - The Perfectionist's Paradox

5 Steps to Achieving More with 60% - The Perfectionist's Paradox

Achieving the Perfect Balance: Why Less Can Be More for Busy Executives

In the high-stakes arena of executive leadership, the strive for perfection can often be a double-edged sword. While aiming for peak performance is commendable, the quest for unblemished execution in work, family life, and personal well-being can lead to what we might call perfection paralysis. But there's a strategy that savvy executives are using to break through this standstill: the 60% rule coupled with the power of taking action. This combination could very well be the key to unlocking a more productive and balanced lifestyle.

Whimsical scale balancing a light feather and a heavy rock, symbolizing the balance between perfection and practical achievement

Balancing the Lightness of Imperfection with the Weight of Perfection

The 60% Rule: A New Philosophy for Action

The 60% rule is not about settling for mediocrity; it’s about redefining what's realistically excellent. It posits that aiming for 60%—a level of completion that signifies substantial progress without the pressures of flawlessness—is more beneficial than holding out for 100%.

Why 60% is the New Standard of Excellence

  • Momentum Over Perfection: Starting with a 60% goal in mind emphasizes progress over perfection. It's an actionable and achievable target that gets things moving.

  • Reduces the Fear of Failure: By aiming for 60%, the fear of falling short of perfection is mitigated, encouraging risk-taking and innovation.

  • Cultivates a Growth Mindset: This rule allows for growth, learning, and continuous improvement, which are crucial for long-term success.

  • Enhances Well-Being: It relieves the stress associated with perfectionism, promoting better mental and physical health.

  • Encourages Practicality: It promotes a focus on the most critical elements of a task, which in turn, streamlines efforts and increases efficiency.

Three sticky notes marked "Start," "Progressing," "60% Goal Reached!" on a wall, symbolizing the journey towards achieving milestones

The Journey to Success: Imperfect Action Trumps Waiting for the Perfect Start

Implementing the 60% Rule: Just Begin

The beauty of the 60% rule lies in its invitation to just begin. By setting a more accessible threshold, the hurdle of initiation is lowered, and the journey towards improvement and enhanced productivity begins.

5 Steps to Embrace the 60% Rule

  1. Define Your 60%: Understand what 60% looks like for your specific goals. It could be the essential components of a project or the most impactful way to spend time with family.

  2. Overcoming Procrastination: Recognize that waiting for the perfect condition often leads to stagnation. Starting at 60% means you break down these barriers to action.

  3. Smart Resource Allocation: Identify which tasks require full effort and which can be advanced significantly with a 60% investment.

  4. Embrace the Iterative Process: See your efforts as iterative. Starting at 60% means you're on a path to refinement, not a one-shot attempt at perfection.

  5. Celebrating Progress: Acknowledging and taking pride in every step forward cultivates confidence and builds momentum for ongoing personal and professional growth.


Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life.

Anne Lamott, Bestselling Author & Thought Leader on Creativity

The Hidden Cost of Perfectionism on Mental Health

Beneath the surface of the perfectionist's drive lies a complex psychological landscape. Perfectionism, more than a pursuit of excellence, is often rooted in deep-seated fears of failure and rejection. This relentless quest for the unattainable not only fuels anxiety but can significantly impact mental well-being. The constant self-critique and unachievable standards can lead to chronic stress, burnout, and even depression, revealing the darker side of striving for flawlessness.

Anne Lamott once remarked, "Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life." This poignant observation underscores the paralyzing effect of perfectionism. It’s not merely a personal quirk but a pervasive force that can detract from our well-being and satisfaction with life.

Transforming Perfectionism: A Path to Well-Being

Recognizing the detrimental effects of perfectionism is the first step toward fostering a healthier relationship with achievement and self-expectation. By redefining success, setting realistic goals, and practicing self-compassion, we can shift from a mindset of perfection to one of growth and progress. Embracing imperfection not only alleviates psychological distress but also opens up a space for creativity, innovation, and genuine self-improvement.

An illustration of a human brain divided into two halves, one side flourishing with colorful flowers representing creativity and well-being, and the other side enveloped in dark, stormy clouds depicting stress and anxiety

Balancing the Mind: The Vibrant Intersection of Creativity and the Shadows of Perfectionism

A Personal Story: Fearless Beginning vs. Perfectionist Stalemate

Once, in the company of ambition and meticulous standards, I found myself lost. Dinner times transformed into unspoken contests where silent judgment echoed louder than laughter. My partner's eyes, sharp and discerning, often seemed to whisper, "Is this all?" Under her gaze, my attempts felt inadequate, my failures magnified. The pressure to meet an impossible standard left me closed off, hesitant to start anything new for fear of criticism.

Transitioning from that world to one painted with the broad brushstrokes of fearless adventure was like stepping into sunlight after a long night. My new companion's approach to life was simple yet revolutionary: "Let's just start something new," they proposed with a twinkle in their eye, and suddenly the rulebook was tossed aside. The idea of drafting and redrafting until the words lost their meaning was abandoned.

Together, we embarked on countless beginnings. Some were grand, others were modest, but each was a testament to the sheer thrill of creation. With every project, whether it took flight or faltered, there was a celebration—a toast to the courage of starting. In this new chapter, through laughter and learning, I discovered a liberating truth: the perfect beginning is a myth, and every imperfect start is a victory in its own right.

Embracing Life Beyond Fear

Reflecting on these contrasting chapters, I see now how fear once held me captive, disguised as the pursuit of perfection. But it was daring to begin, flawed and all, that taught me life's most invaluable lesson: that beyond the rigid confines of life, death, and integrity, there is no fear. Only a vast expanse where starting is success, and each misstep is just another step on the journey. So start—wherever, however, and as you are. Your courage to begin is the first stroke on the blank canvas of possibility.

Group of people laughing as they start a casual foot race on a grassy field, illustrating the joy of beginning without the pressure of perfection

Finding Joy in the Freedom of Starting, Unburdened by Expectations

Conclusion: The Strategic Advantage of the 60% Rule and Starting Right Now

For those navigating the challenging waters of executive responsibilities, family commitments, and personal health, merging the concept of starting with the 60% rule can be transformative. It offers a practical, actionable, and psychologically savvy approach to achieving more by attempting less perfection and more doing.

So start with 60% in mind, and take pride in the courage it takes to begin. By acknowledging that any start outshines a perfect plan that never gets off the ground, you're already several strides closer to your goals. As you continue, your 60% will evolve, growing closer to perfection through experience, learning, and the simple act of ongoing effort. Here’s to starting, growing, and thriving in all areas of life—imperfectly, but relentlessly moving forward.

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+1% each day

✅ One Action

Approach one task this week with the mindset that 'good enough is the new perfect' and allow yourself to progress from there.

⏱ 30-Sec Recap
  • The 60% Rule: A transformative strategy for executives combating perfection paralysis, advocating for progress over perfection by aiming for 60% completion.

  • Action Over Perfection: Encourages starting with manageable goals to overcome inertia and fear of failure, highlighting that any start is better than waiting for the perfect moment.

  • Psychological Insights: Addresses the deep-rooted psychological impacts of perfectionism, including anxiety, stress, and burnout, and proposes a shift towards growth and self-compassion.

  • Personal Journey: A testament to the liberating power of embracing imperfection and taking action, showcasing how it leads to genuine progress and fulfillment.

  • Starting is Succeeding: Reinforces the message that beginning any endeavor, however imperfectly, is a step closer to achieving your goals and living more fully.