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Bullet-Proof Your 'Why' to Ensure Lasting Success with Integrity

With 3 Questions to Assess and Reinforce Your Personal and Professional Alignment

A puzzled professional looks at a complex maze from above, with a clear path marked towards the center labeled 'Why', symbolizing strategic problem-solving

Contemplating your ‘Why”

In our bustling lives, where work demands, family commitments, and personal aspirations often overlap, finding clarity on why we do what we do can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yet, understanding and solidifying your "Why" isn’t just beneficial—it’s crucial for sustainable success and personal fulfillment. When your foundation is not solidly built on ethical principles, the entire structure of your pursuits risks crumbling when tested. As Simon Sinek eloquently puts it, “People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”

The Essence of Your "Why"

Your "Why" is the core reason behind your actions, decisions, and goals. It's the driving force that gives your work purpose and your life direction. When your endeavors are aligned with this central belief, not only do they bear more fruit, but they also bring greater satisfaction and motivation.

A person sits on a mountain top at sunrise, looking contemplative, symbolizing deep reflection on core motivations in a serene setting

Seek deep understanding of core motivations

📌 Reflect Before You Act

Before you plunge into your next project or life change, take a moment to reflect. Ask yourself:

  1. What motivates me?

  2. What impact do I want to have through my work or actions?

  3. How can my talents and passions serve others?

These questions aren't just philosophical—they're practical pathways to deeper understanding. By answering them, you create a framework that guides your decisions and sharpens your focus.

The Power of Alignment

Aligning your actions with your "Why" leads to more than just personal achievement. It fosters authenticity and consistency in your life. When your goals are in sync with your deeper motivations, overcoming obstacles becomes more manageable. Your "Why" acts as a compass that keeps you oriented towards your true north, especially when distractions abound.

A diverse group of professionals celebrating a shared success in a colorful, modern office, symbolizing teamwork and collaboration

The power of collaborating towards a common “Why”

🔖 Integrity in Your "Why": A Cautionary Tale

I want to share a story that I have recently been pondering over about the importance of integrity in defining and bullet-proofing our "Why." This narrative vividly illustrates how crucial it is to anchor your motivations in integrity, ensuring they are impervious to moral and ethical challenges.

Recently, during a catch-up with a family friend whom I lived with during my teens, I was reminded of his much-disliked mother-in-law, Lynn.

20+ years ago now, Lynn’s then-rich boyfriend, John, was designated the beneficiary of a significant sum intended for philanthropy following the death of his father. The will clearly stated that the funds were to be managed by a trust to support cultural diversity and aid minorities. However, Lynn and John were driven by greed and had plans to redirect the funds for their personal use.

To set up the trust and meet legislative requirements while appearing legitimate, they enlisted the help of a friend, Donald, to form a Board of Trustees. Opting not to incur the cost of professional services, they trusted Donald to establish the trust in line with their desires. However, Donald, a man of integrity who misunderstood their actual intentions under the guise of "philanthropy," established a public trust instead of a private one. This crucial decision placed the funds under stringent government oversight, audited annually, thereby thwarting Lynn and John’s plans to control the assets.


People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.

Simon Sinek

Over the ensuing years, Lynn and John's many attempts to access the funds proved futile. They repeatedly blamed Donald for their inability to exploit the trust's resources, not recognizing that their own greed was the barrier. The continuous conflict, fueled by greed, eventually led to Lynn and John’s breakup, accompanied by ongoing legal entanglements.

It's disheartening to see that to this day, Lynn, now in her 80s, stubbornly continue to believe the money is rightfully hers. She has made numerous failed attempts to redirect the funds for personal gain, including a thwarted effort to purchase and then sell property, which was caught by auditors. Despite the funds almost doubling over the years from static investments (and lack of fruitful utilization), they firmly remained out of her control.

Had the funds been used as intended, they could have significantly benefited many. Proper utilization of these resources could have not only created financial opportunities but also made Lynn’s life so much more rewarding.

Much like a donkey chasing a dangling carrot, she continues to live in a self-imposed prison, never able to see beyond this sum of money. Karma has played its part, reminding us that the universe has a way of ensuring that greed, a misplaced “Why”, does not go unpunished.

A stark image of a deserted, cracked open safe in a dimly lit room, symbolizing the emptiness and futility of pursuits driven by greed

The futility and emptiness that accompany pursuits fueled by greed


Discovering and living your "Why" isn’t a one-time activity. It’s a continuous journey that evolves with your experiences and aspirations. It requires patience, reflection, and an openness to adjust your path as you grow. For busy professionals looking to lead a balanced and meaningful life, starting with your "Why" is not just helpful—it’s transformative.

May every step you take be imbued with clarity and conviction.

+1% each day

✅ One Action

Write down the values that are most important to you. Then ask yourself what principles guide your decisions, shape your actions, and make you feel fulfilled when you live by them.

Take another moment to reflect on your own “Why” in a matter of relative importance happening in your life right now.

This will give you a clearer direction and will also serve as a foundation that enhances every decision and action you take moving forward.

⏱ 30-Sec Recap
  • Purpose: Emphasize the importance of discovering your "Why" for sustainable success and personal fulfillment.

  • Understanding Your "Why": The core reason behind your actions, guiding your life and work.

  • Reflective Questions: What motivates you? What impact do you want to have? How can your talents serve others?

  • Alignment Importance: Aligns actions with motivations for authenticity and effectiveness.

  • Role of Integrity: Crucial for a strong "Why"; absence can lead to failures.

  • Case Study (Story of Lynn): Shows consequences of greed overriding philanthropic intentions in a trust fund scenario. The entire structure of pursuits from a mis-led “Why” crumbles.

  • Final Thought: Discovering your "Why" is an ongoing, reflective process essential for a balanced and meaningful life.