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Cling No More! 6 Tips to Richer Experience

Refocus from what you own and who you hold onto to what you experience


What would happen if we shifted our focus from possession to maximising how to make use of the people and things we come across and experience?

Experience > Possession

The moment we crave to possess, things start to change, sometimes even turning into an obsession. From a possession angle, emotional obsession is inevitable.

Relationship and material means alike

I've had many relationships, experienced hurt, but no one can drag me down anymore.

It's liberating to realize that their departures were for the best. And if someone exceptional comes into my life, I'm grateful for the company, no matter how brief.

By giving up possessiveness and enjoying experience or companionship for what it is, life becomes simpler and far more fulfilling.

A person with arms outstretched on a serene beach at sunset, symbolizing freedom and fulfillment through nature

Experience over possession


6 Tips to Embrace Experience Over Possession

1. Practice Gratitude

Focus on appreciating experiences rather than acquiring possessions. Maximise the present moment.

2. Curate Meaningful Experiences

Invest your time and resources in activities and experiences that align with your values and bring fulfillment.

Pay for that class you’ve always pondered over, share a jar of the expensive caviar you have been curious about with your friends, rent that nice car and experience it for a day.

Things may not be what they seem afterall but you will never know if you don’t experience them.

3. Embrace Minimalism

Declutter your life and prioritize experiences over material possessions.

When you are about to bring things home, whether it be from the shop or a freebie, does this add value to you or will it be an excessive time drain that you need to manage afterwards?

Instead of the default satisfaction from ownership, think longer term value vs maintenance.

A minimalistic home office setup with a person working contentedly on a laptop, showcasing the peace of a clutter-free space

The joy of minimalism and productivity in a clutter-free environment

4. Let Go

Release the need to own and control everything. Embrace the freedom of letting go and allowing experiences to unfold naturally.

I’ve both saved a lot of time and found myself opportunities to learn from taking a back seat.

5. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Prioritize high-quality experiences that have a lasting impact over accumulating numerous possessions.

Have you wasted time and more money over cheaper alternatives when you could’ve just bought the one item you knew would’ve served you well?

Have you spent countless hours drudging poor quality work back-and-forth when you could’ve done a much better job within a much shorter time after a proper rest?

Have you doubted how you actually felt after spending excessive time hanging out with your default social group?

6. Always Create Value Instead of Focusing on the Money

Direct your energy towards adding value to the lives of those around you and your community.

Undertake the most ambitious projects you can imagine and make the best out of it. Think living a life well-lived.

Money always follow quality and value.


The Science

A study by psychologists Leaf Van Boven and Thomas Gilovich has provided compelling evidence on why experiences bring greater happiness than material possessions. Their research highlights several key points:

1. Experiences Provide Enduring Happiness

People derive more lasting satisfaction from experiences compared to material goods. While the initial joy of purchasing an item fades over time, the happiness from experiences tends to grow as they become a part of our identity and contribute to our life stories.

2. Experiences Foster Social Connections

Shared experiences often strengthen social bonds and create lasting memories. Talking about experiences is more enjoyable than discussing possessions, leading to deeper and more meaningful social interactions.

3. Experiences Are Less Subject to Comparison

Material possessions are often compared to others, which can lead to envy and dissatisfaction. Experiences, on the other hand, are unique to each individual, making them less likely to be subject to unfavorable comparisons.

4. Anticipation of Experiences Brings Joy

The anticipation of an upcoming experience can be a source of significant happiness, sometimes even more than the experience itself. This positive anticipation adds to the overall well-being of individuals.

Last Word


Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

Albert Einstein

True fulfilment comes from the richness of experiences, not possessions. Let go of possessiveness, live mindfully, and focus on adding value to the lives around you.

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