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Sleep Like a Boss: Supercharging Your Emotional Smarts

The quirky science behind sleep and EQ


We all know sleep is crucial, but I, for one, have a habit of procrastinating it in hopes of squeezing in more "me time"—often mindlessly scrolling way past midnight.

I’m hoping that understanding why sleep is important on a deeper level can motivate us to prioritize it.

Inspired by one of Travis Bradberry’s three silver bullets on the link between sleep and emotional intelligence (EQ) from our last post, let's explore what exactly sleep does to increase our EQ.

A cute kitten peacefully sleeping under a cozy blanket while cuddling a small stuffed toy, creating a warm and serene atmosphere

Sleeping like a boss


The Scientific-ish Rundown

1. Brain Detoxification

During sleep, our brain undergoes a critical detoxification process. The glymphatic system becomes more active during deep sleep, clearing out neurotoxic waste products that accumulate during the day, such as beta-amyloid and tau proteins, which are linked to neurodegenerative diseases. This cleansing is essential for maintaining cognitive functions that support high EQ, such as memory and emotional regulation​.

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), different organs undergo repair and detoxification at specific times during the night:

  • Gallbladder (11 PM - 1 AM): The gallbladder aids in digestion and bile secretion, and it is believed that this is when it performs its detoxifying functions most effectively.

  • Liver (1 AM - 3 AM): This is the peak time for liver detoxification. The liver is crucial for filtering toxins from the blood and aiding in digestion.

  • Lungs (3 AM - 5 AM): This period is vital for lung health and detoxification. The lungs are responsible for oxygenating the blood and removing carbon dioxide.

Aligning our sleep schedule (basically to be asleep by 11 PM) with these TCM principles can enhance the body's natural healing processes, contributing to better overall health and emotional well-being.

2. Emotion Regulation

Sleep significantly impacts the amygdala, the brain's emotional control center. Lack of sleep leads to heightened activity in the amygdala, making us more prone to emotional outbursts and less able to manage stress.

Conversely, sufficient sleep helps maintain amygdala balance, allowing us to process and regulate emotions more effectively. This balance is crucial for personal competence in EQ, aiding in self-awareness and emotional management​.

A fierce kitten with an intense and powerful expression, set against a dramatic background highlighting its emotionally heightened state

Bed time left unchecked

3. Cognitive Function and Decision Making

The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and impulse control, is heavily affected by sleep quality. Sleep deprivation diminishes prefrontal cortex activity, impairing our judgment and self-control.

On the other hand, adequate sleep strengthens this brain region, enhancing our ability to make rational decisions and resist impulsive behaviors, thereby improving our social competence and overall EQ​​.

4. Stress Reduction

Chronic sleep deprivation increases cortisol levels, the body’s primary stress hormone. Elevated cortisol can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Quality sleep helps regulate cortisol production, keeping stress levels in check. Lower stress levels enable better emotional stability and resilience, key components of high EQ​​.

5. Empathy and Social Interaction

Sleep influences our capacity for empathy and understanding others’ emotions. Studies show that sleep-deprived individuals have reduced activity in the areas of the brain associated with empathy and social cognition.

Improving sleep hygiene can enhance these brain functions, making us more attuned to the emotional states of others and better at forming meaningful social connections​​.


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Last Word

I hope this puts things into perspective for you. I've certainly noticed how much better I am able to navigate my days among different personalities when I’m well-rested and well-fed.

Let’s continue to aim for little tweaks here and there—sleeping by 11 PM, it is!

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