Your Mid-Life Remixed!

Transform Your Existential Funk into a Funky New Beginning

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I’ve been throwing around questions like, “Is this all there is?” and “Why do I feel so lost?” a little more frequently in my mind than I used to.

They hit me just a tad harder when I see my neighbor driving a new Porsche or when I dash past a family of four walking their dog on my way home alone after work to work some more.

My best friend, who looks a bit too much like Sadness from Inside Out, told me to read up on mid-life crisis...

Do these self-talk sound familiar?

  • "Is this all there is?"

  • "I thought I'd be happier by now."

  • "Why do I feel so lost?"

  • "I'm not the person I used to be."

  • "Have I wasted my potential?"

  • "I'm too old to start over."

  • "Why don't I recognize myself anymore?"

These thoughts are unsettling. Many of us reach a point where we start questioning our life’s direction and purpose, wondering if we’ve missed our true calling or if it’s too late to make a change.

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Pain to power - pick at least one of these and let ‘em stick!

1. Feeling Lost? Embrace the Change

The mid-life crisis isn't just a clichĂ©; it’s a pivotal moment of introspection and reassessment. Typically striking between 40 and 50, it can feel like an emotional earthquake, shaking the foundations of your career, relationships, and sense of purpose. Yet, this doesn’t have to be a negative ordeal. In fact, it can be a springboard for profound personal growth and reinvention.

2. Stuck in a Rut? Reevaluate Your Goals

Reflect on your current goals. Are they still aligned with who you are today? Goals set in your 20s or 30s may no longer serve you. It’s perfectly fine to pivot and establish new objectives that resonate with your current values and aspirations. Acceptance is the first step. This can help address the feeling of having wasted potential.

3. Battling Self-Doubt? Practice Self-Love and Affirmations

One powerful approach is to practice self-love and use affirmations. By affirming positive beliefs about yourself daily, you can rewire your mindset.

For instance, try this affirmation from Louise Hay: “All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.” Watch how it transforms your perspective. This is particularly important when facing existential angst and self-doubt.

A middle-aged person standing thoughtfully looking out of a large window with a cityscape in the background, surrounded by symbols of new beginnings such as a luxury car, a family walking a dog, healthy food on a table, a decluttered minimalist living space, books, and a yoga mat. The scene represents the hopeful potential of starting the second part of life

Reflecting on new beginnings

4. Overwhelmed by Physical Changes? Prioritize Self-Care

Amid all the soul-searching, remember to take care of yourself. Physical health, mental well-being, and emotional balance are crucial. Engage in activities that rejuvenate you—whether it's picking up a new hobby, traveling, or simply enjoying long walks.

Consider integrating mindfulness and relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to enhance your mental resilience. Addressing physical changes and mental health challenges head-on can significantly improve your overall outlook.

5. Feeling Alone? Find Your Tribe

You don’t have to go through this alone. Talk to friends, join support groups, or seek professional help if needed. Sharing your thoughts and fears with someone who understands can provide immense relief and clarity. This is especially valuable for those struggling with relationship strain and mental health issues.

6. Craving a Fresh Start? Explore Unconventional Paths

It might sound bold, but consider a sabbatical or even a career change. Many people find their true calling later in life. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. If you've always dreamed of being a writer, artist, or entrepreneur, now might be the perfect time to pursue those dreams.

Consider growing something on the side, it doesn’t have to be drastic changes. These can help counteract career dissatisfaction and the fear of irrelevance.

7. Stuck in the Mundane? Enjoy the Process of Self-Discovery

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself and the world around you. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks.

The process itself can be incredibly rewarding if you stay open to learning and growth. This mindset can transform how you view mid-life, turning it from a crisis into an opportunity.

8. Strained Relationships? Focus on Rebuilding Connections

Strengthen your relationships with loved ones. This time of transition can put a strain on personal connections, but it can also be an opportunity to deepen bonds and foster greater understanding.

Open communication and shared activities can enhance your support network and bring joy to everyday life. This helps in mitigating the impact of relationship strain during this period.

9. Feeling Physically Drained? Test Your Limits and Rediscover Vitality

Mid-life can be a perfect time to test your physical and mental limits. Engaging in new fitness regimes, like progressive bodyweight strength training or calisthenics, can help rediscover physical vitality.

Pushing your limits can provide a sense of achievement and renewed vigor. Your strongest days may still lie ahead, who’d know if you don’t try?

Me in the past 12 months

  1. I came out of a toxic relationship

  2. I said goodbye to people who were no good to my peace of mind

  3. I decluttered 50% of my belongings (c’mon let’s be realistic here) and opted for a low frill lifestyle

  4. I deep cleaned my home

  5. I started to accept myself the way I am with grace

  6. I stopped regretting about the past

  7. I started to prioritise my health before anything else

  8. I started to become grateful for all experiences in my life


For further inspiration, the book Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life by James Hollis offers profound insights into navigating mid-life transitions.

Another gem is The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, which provides practical steps to break the inertia and make bold moves.

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Last Word

A mid-life crisis isn’t a sign of failure; it’s an invitation to rediscover yourself. Embrace it with an open heart and mind, and you might just find that your best years are still ahead of you.

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